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Children's Time

Sundays During Worship

Children's church is immediately after children's time every Sunday except for first Sunday.

5-11 years old


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Helping kids to Love, Learn About, and Live Like Christ!​

We have some wonderful children and are desperately seeking more children that want to learn and grow in Jesus Christ. We welcome all children, all ages. 
Our desire is that every child would come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and have the opportunity for that relationship to grow through intentional discipleship. In order to help kids understand who God is and what He has done for them, we strongly emphasize and practice the study of Scripture. We want to train and equip children to live according to God's desires that He shares in His Word; putting their faith into practice in their everyday lives, so that they might be bright lights to a dark world.

We welcome adults and parents who enjoy working with youths!

We understand your desire to have a safe, nurturing environment where your children can experience the love of Jesus and grow in their knowledge of Him. We do this by carefully evaluating all those who work with our children, by having them complete a reference and background check, and with the knowledge they have faithfully been attending CHUMC. We also maintain as our goal to always have qualified workers who are aware of and abide by our Child Protection Policies and working within the guidelines of these policies can develop meaningful, personal relationships with your children.

​Will You Come Grow With Us?

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