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Announcements and News You Should Know!!!

This Week: Monday—Food Pantry Prep 8am; Emmaus Reunion Group 6:15pm; 

Tuesday—Food Pantry 8:30am; Summer Meals 12n; Sit & Stretch 2pm; 

Wednesday—Faith Up  Supper 6pm, Story of Scripture 7pm; 

Thursday—Worship Meeting 10:30am; Sit and Stretch 2pm; 

Saturday—Garden Workday 9a-12p; Rummage Sale 8a-1p

Retreat is Thursday 8/29—Sunday 9/1 at HEB Foundation Camp in Leakey Texas.  Register now with Brian, Meredith or Karen.  Adults $35 ea.

Summer Meals for ALL Kids EVERY Tuesday from 12 to 1:15pm. No-cost meals for children 18 years and under.

Newsletter articles due—Monday. Please submit—

Chapel Hill Called Board meeting—Tuesday, July 30 at 6pm for Building Assessment. Light supper beings 5:30pm.

Back to School Bash—A Community event will be presented by Sam Rayburn MS.  Fun for the whole family, food for the first 200 attendees. Some community resources available, will include mammograms, immunizations and school supplies.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, 8/10 from 8:30a—12:30pm.  For more info pick up a flyer in the lobby.

Faith Up Wednesday—6pm for light supper, study and fellowship Patsy Gutierrez, our Wesley Nurse presenting The Story of Scripture—focusing on the grand narrative of the Bible. Final class: 7/31.

Service Opportunity Volunteers meet and go to Haven for Hope on Friday, August 9 from 4:30-6:30pm.  Carpool leaves the church at 3:30.  If you would like to participate please let Paul Collins know.

Chapel Hill is collecting school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year. We believe the Chapel Hill community should do all it can to support our teachers and students.  School supplies will be collected through 8/20/24.

Food Pantry—Peanut Butter Drive continues through the end of August.  Drop donations in red buggy in the lobby.

Please submit bulletin announcements by Thursday each week to be included in the Sunday bulletin.

Welcome Visitors!  We are thrilled you have joined us this morning. Please fill out a visitor card that can be found in the lobby.


Sunday School for Children, Theophilus (9:45am) and Agape (10am) classes meet in person.  Theophilus will utilize zoom.  All are encouraged to join a class.

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