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As the holiday season approaches, lots to do and participate in at the church...

We welcome you to worship at 8:30am (Communion each week Hymn music) and 11am (Communion 1st Sunday Contemporary music) in the Sanctuary. The 11am worship service is on Facebook live and begins Sunday at 10:55am. 

If you join on Facebook Live, please leave a comment, no matter what time you watch, everyone counts! 11am worship is also available Sunday evening on YouTube.  If you are watching on YouTube, please send me an email to let me know you have attended.

This Week:

Sunday—Dorcas Circle 12:30pm;

Monday—Emmaus 4:30pm; Food Pantry Prep 8am; Board Meeting 7pm;

Tuesday—Food Pantry Distribution 8:30am; Priscilla Circle 11am; UIW Immunization Clinic 10a-4p; Sit & Stretch 2pm; Springvale Neighborhood Assn. Meet 6pm;

Wednesday—UIW Immunization Clinic 10a-4p; Faith Up Supper 6pm; Reflections & Youth 7pm; Barclay Bible Study 7pm Zoom;

The Food Pantry requests donations of canned food. Meat, vegetables, and/or fruit.  Collections will continue through the end of November.  The Food Pantry thanks you for your continued support.

Springvale Neighborhood Assn Meeting @ Allen ES 6pm.

UIW Immunization Clinic at Chapel Hill November 19 & 20 10am –4pm. 

Deadline for Newsletter articles Tuesday, November 19.

The Thanksgiving food box ministry prepares boxes for people in need.  The price of food has increased so much within this past year that it has limited what we can get with our funds.  Please consider a donation to this ministry.  Mark FOOD BOXES in the memo line or envelope.

United Methodist Student Day is November 24. A special offering will be taken up.

Food pantry will be closed Tuesday, November 26.

Tuesday Lunch Bunch will meet at Jim’s on November 26@11:30am.

We would like to bring Thanksgiving back to church. For this year we are asking folks to bring potluck/favorite items (sides, meat, and desserts). Thanksgiving Day 11 am. Everyone is invited. Please contact Helen if you have questions or need information.  Thank you, Hanna family 210 259-5309.

Confirmation Class @ 9:30am each Sunday in the fellowship hall.  A Confirmation Celebration will be held Sunday, December 8 @ 11am.

Youth invite everyone to come to a Christmas Banquet on Saturday, December 14 at 4pm.  Tickets are on sale for $10.

Faith Up Wednesday—Supper @6pm, Reflections Class and Youth @7pm

KAIROS #46 March 6-9, 2025—Time for KAIROS Prison Ministry again, our outside team needs volunteers for making prayer chains, counting cookies.  Next planning meeting is Dec. 7. Please contact Marjorie Cummings or Nicole Simon for additional info.

A Sunday School Class is being offered for Special Needs children. Contact Helen Hanna if you would like to volunteer to be a second adult in the room, per Safe Sanctuary Guidelines.

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